Sydney International Boatshow
Yes, it’s the first of August again and the Sydney International Boat show is about to start. For the first time Bluewater is to have on exhibition not one but two of our beautiful custom built yachts.
Having just completed her maiden trip from Newcastle to Sydney “Sabbatical II”, a Bluewater 420 Centre Cockpit built for Greg & Heidi Turton will be alongside George & Gail Grant’s Bluewater 420 Raised Saloon “Southern Belle” which was launched in 2011. This will give you the chance to see all the latest inclusions and have a look at not only a brand spanking new yacht but also one that has had a number of voyages over the past 12 months. You will also see the differences in layout and design between the Centre Cockpit and Raised Saloon versions.

Both couples will be helping David man the boat so it will be a good chance to talk to owners that have been through the decision making and building process. And you can speak with them about their experiences of sailing their own Bluewater's. George & Gail have cruised to Southport already, and plan Lord Howe Island later this year followed by a cruise around Tasmania early next year.
So please if you’re free this week the Sydney Boatshow is on from Thursday, 2nd to Monday, 6th August 2012 at Cockle Bay, Darling Harbour. Come down and say hello.
For further information please call David on 02 4956 8522 or 0412 656 271 or refer to
